Monday, October 20, 2008


This past weekend was THE most exciting weekend of my life!

(Okay, so that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but not much!)


Disciple's new CD, "Southern Hospitality" came in the mail!!!

*thinks* (...I'm finding it terribly hard to put into words how exciting this was for me.)

Lets go back...

-On August 18th, I pre-ordered "Southern Hospitality" at a Disciple concert.

-Amber (Wife of Disciple's drummer/Person in charge of merch) told me that I may get the album in the mail BEFORE the 21st.

Now, fast forward to last week:

I was praying, asking God to, "PLEASE let the Disciple CD by Saturday! PLEASE...!"

Saturday afternoon, I was sitting at the computer, listening to the album on Disciple's website, when Abyni came in with the mail. "Spritey, you got a letter... and a package!"

I look over, and recognize my handwriting on the sticker that I filled out to preorder the album- the sticker stuck to the package. That is when I FLIPPED OUT. I screamed, and I got EXTREMELY exuberant. I began to cry tears of immense happiness as I ripped the package open. The package was open. I started crying with a more intense outburst, and thought that was somewhat odd, because I don't generally cry when I'm excited. Soon, my Mom is chasing me around the house with a video camera, making fun of me. (Okay, so the "chasing" may be a little exaggeration, but once again, not very much of one!) I ran to my room, and I literally started sobbing. The whole event was wonderful. It was extreme. It was kinda pathetic. LOL =)

It might be needless to say, but I love the CD =D I have a lot more to say than just, "I love the CD", but I should probably make a seperate post for all of that =)

*Heavy happy sigh* That was a moment that I had been anxiously awaiting for months. OH, and the other letter that I got in the mail was tremendously exciting, as well, but I can't really talk about it yet!


On Sunday, I found out news that made me JUST as ecstatic! Well, I was in Church when I found out, so I had a little more self-control, and didn't jump into a fit of WEEPING! LOL...

I can't really give out too many details, but the thing is, I have made this friend named Halle, and she is totally amazing. I am exceedingly thankful for her, and I can't tell you how much so I have been wanting to get to know her better. I found out yesterday that she can come to the Tobymac concert with me the day after my birthday! Seriously, I'm BEYOND EXCITED!!! It's about two hours away, and my friend Garrett is going, too. It's going to be SO MUCH FUN! Not just the concert, but the road trip! I'm absoulutely PSYCHED!!!


(If anyone else would like info on Tobymac concerts, lmk!)


1 comment:

Cat said...

How much are the tickets and what is the date for the concert?