Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Girly Side of Sprite

I was one month away from turning nine years old when my family and I moved to the state where we live now. Since we first moved here, there has been a store that I have wanted to visit SO badly! It's a store on the second story of a building, and I guess they just sell dresses. Hanging against the windows are gorgeous, glittery gowns that I LONG to see and try on. I'm sure they are super expensive, so I probably couldn't actually BUY one. (But wow, that would REALLY be too good to be true!)

I'm a girly-girl in some ways, and I've always loved pretty dresses. Even now, whenever we drive past that building, the colorful fabrics from the top floor catch my eye, and my entire being wants SO badly to go in and admire all of the splendiferous dresses! Lol, it would be funny if my wish did come true someday, and I can go into the store, but I don't like any of the dresses one bit. Or if I went in, and the store was a complete dump or something like that. Lol! I highly doubt that it would be like that, but I do realize that I have totally judged this store from it's outward appearance, and haven't even seen the dresses THAT well :)

Speaking of dresses, prom is coming up in April! Lol, it's still a little far away, and I don't know if anyone else has even thought about it. My parents are the ones doing it, though, so I've thought about it a little bit. I'm hoping that I can get a pretty dress to wear :) I also really hope that we can do dance lessons before prom this year. Oh my gosh, I think that would be SO much fun! I love to dance, but I'm not very good at it. I think I would enjoy even simple moves once I got the hang of them, though.

1 comment:

SamanthaMarie said...

I can almost promise you others are thinking about prom (: At least a couple more girls. You totally should go in that store, make that desire become a reality! Maybe you'll find the perfect dress for prom. It's never too soon to start looking around.
Have a wonderful day girly girl! (: