Saturday, February 14, 2009


God LOVES you. He has never, will never, and could never take His eyes off of you! He's obsessed with you! He IS true love! The Creator of the universe lives to hear your heartbeat! Doesn't that THRILL you? When you love Him back, He is THRILLED, too :) Think of the people who you love the most in life. Imagine how it would feel if they didn't really love you back. I hear it ALL the time, actually... "I love so and so more than anyone in the world, but they don't even know that I exist!" Lol... imagine if "so and so" DID realize you existed, and not only that, but they LOVED you! HOW happy would that make you feel? God feels that way when we love Him! I know that in my life, there have been many people who I have met who I wanted to be friends with SO badly, and I would have been honored had they even considered me an aquaintance. And oh my gosh, if they would be FRIENDS with me, that would really be too good to be true! Lol. God loves you and me more than words could say. When we love Him back, we bring the biggest smile to His face. For as good as He is, and as much as He loves us, lets love Him back! :)

Have a lovely Valentine's Day, everyone ♥

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